Sunday, January 17, 2010

Classes and more

We are having a retreat on Feb 13th in the Yarn Basket side. Come enjoy Valentin'e weekend with fellow knitters and work on one project all day. Choices are an awesome mitered shawl, top down sweater, top down mittens and cabled scarf and hat. Call us 712--792-2890 to reserve your spot. $45 includes lunch and triple punch on your card.

The Quilt shop is having lots of classes and events coming up. Starting this Sat, we are making a table topper (free), next Sat, a notion's tote (free), Feb 27 and / or April 10th Mystery quilt ($30 includes lunch) and t-shirt quilt on March 13th. Call the shop to sign up for any and all of them.

Then, we are starting a new group called "Quilter's Gathering". the first Monday of each month, starting Feb 1st from 7-8:30pm we will meet to share, visit and learn from one another quilting techniques and tips. Come join us. No cost, just bring your smile and a 3 ring binder to gather handouts.

Hope to see all of you at any of the above.
Til then, awesome yarns and fabric coming through the door almost daily for all of us to enjoy,